Thursday 23 May 2013

Apple oat shortcake (apple flapjack slice)

When I lived in Oxford over ten years ago, I used to occasionally go to the Alternative Tuckshop. I was very partial to the chicken and Swiss cheese ciabatta, but they also had really lovely apple flapjacks. These were the flapjacks that persuaded me that it might be worth messing with the classic. However, fifteen years later I've yet to try and recreate them. One day... 

However, when I recently bought Annie Bell's Baking Bible I saw it had apple oat shortcake, which the author says is an attempt to combine apple pie and flapjack and I immediately thought back to the beloved apple flapjacks of old. So, they had to be the first thing I made from the book. 

So, this bake has a shortbread base that you make and bake (I used a wee bit of wholemeal spelt in this), before adding a layer of Bramley apples, sultanas (the recipe suggests currants), sugar and lemon zest and then top with flapjacks made with lots of lovely golden syrup before baking.

Did I mention my love of golden syrup?but it has to be Lyle and Tate and from a tin, not a bottle. I usually heat my spoon in hot water so the syrup will slide off. Mmm.... Golden syrup... 

Back to the shortcake, though. It tasted lovely. However, there is a lot of moisture from the apples, so do leave it till it is completely cold before you cut and move it. I thought it was cool enough last night, but it was a nightmare to move. Much easier this morning, though. 

All in all, very tasty and worth baking. If you don't have the book you can find the recipe here:

Happy baking! 

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